Database in failed state OCI Console

Hello Friends,

In this post we will discuss about an issue with the migrated database showing in failed state in OCI console .

So lets get started,

We had an issue where our migrated database CDBFIN was showing as failed in OCI console as in image below even my pdb in database was shown with wrong name .

Database in failed state OCI Console

So i will provide the steps what i did to resolve the issue .

Solution 1 :

check the creg file on locaton below in the server it should be by the name of the database or there should be a softlink to the unique name ini file with database name

cd /var/opt/oracle/creg/
creg]$ ls -l
-rw-rw---- 1 oracle oinstall 4893 Jan 27 17:13 CDCDBFIN.ini
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle oinstall   32 Jan  6 21:48 CDCDBFIN_CDCDBFIN_2.ini -> /var/opt/oracle/creg/CDCDBFIN.ini

Solution 2 :

Check the config of database using command srvctl config database .

check for the database name it should be same as shown with the command show parameter db_name if now follow beow steps to change

check the config of database :

[oracle@dm01db02 creg]$ srvctl config database -d CDCDBFIN_2
Database unique name: CDCDBFIN_2
Database name: CDCDBFIN_2
Oracle home: /u02/app/oracle/product/

Modify the database name using below command :

[oracle@dm01db02 creg]$ srvctl modify database -d CDCDBFIN_2 -dbname CDBFIN

Now recheck the database name using the config command it should be changed :

[oracle@dm01db02 creg]$ srvctl config database -d CDCDBFIN_2
Database unique name: CDCDBFIN_2
Database name: CDBFIN
Oracle home: /u02/app/oracle/product/

now there will be a wait for an hour to sync the changes to OCI console , Normally its between 45 mins to 1 hour

once the CDB state is changed from failed to available

now we will go for PDB correction.

We have to terminate the current PDB to get the OCI console to get synced with correct name.

Clean Image .

If the PDB is showing failed , then check for info icon bedise failed state in OCI console you will get a CON_UID from there

check for the CON_UID on the database in not found you can delete the failed PDB and the orignal PDB will get synced in a hour of time OCI console .

select name from v$database;

select NAME from V$PDBS where CON_UID=;

warning : output of above command should be blank then only you can delete the PDB from console.

Note : Database will be synced in after 1 hour of time atleast

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